Revolutionary Zodiac


The ideas on this website are excerpts, adaptations, and paraphrases from my book Revolutionary Zodiac. This work is copyrighted and may not be used without permission of the author. If you are interested in pre-ordering the book, please email

“Alchemist, be thou for the people.”—The Fullmetal Alchemist

The Project

This is the web version of my upcoming book, Revolutionary Zodiac, which delineates astrology’s potential as a revolutionary community organizing tool, and offers concrete guidance for using your (and others’) astrology in mutual aid. To get started, simply click the menu buttons which correspond to your astrology placements:

or, read more about the background, premises, and nuances of using astrology as a tool here:

To return home at any point, click the earth (🌎) icon!

Fun fact: I designed this website using pure HTML, CSS, & old-school JavaScript!

Like my work? Please consider the tip jar to help me continue to create ideas. Thank you!